API first architecture
for second displays
on any POS & tablet

Dual monitors

Digital receipts


Digital signatures


Over 50 software modules at point of sale for second displays

Since 2009 our team has written over 1 MM lines of code in our software projects for second displays and integrated with some of the largest POS vendors in the world.

We have worked on projects with second displays and systems with global retailers across multiple continents, hardware platforms and different software features. Wikipedia writes about the development of POS and PMS systems and we hope to be able to contribute a small dent in these developments with our second display solution (POS link) (PMS link).

second display software picture

Tie transactions to customers using our second displays software

The key element is always to identify the customer to the transaction at the point of purchase. That is why we are called ID24 – let the customer use any ID they carry 24/7. It will be really simple for customers. They can for example key just key in their email or a mobile phone themselves in the second display software.

We have worked on second display software features ranging from feeding CRM backends digitally with loyalty enrollments, updating customer profiles with correct emails which are checked in real time, promotional campaigns to display the right message to the right person, digital receipts, email validation, mobile app promotions and for example collecting customer feedback in the store. Here you can see our 2024 prices.

Software for second displays runs nicely on any device

ManufacturerRuns ID24 software Expected LifetimeLANBarcode ReaderOffered by ID24
Tablet-1Any POS (Win/Linux) Yes –
Tablet-2 ID24Yes5 yearsYes1D / 2D Barcode ReaderYes
Tablet-3Apple / Samsung /  WindowsYes2 yearsNo1D / 2D Barcode ReaderYes, Tablet and Casing
Tablet-4Any payment deviceYes

Core features in our software for second displays

Use the waiting seconds in the POS to complete Loyalty enrolments and digital registrations in store at POS, without any involvement of the store staff.

We support your loyalty system without a card. Customers use alternative id methods they carry 24/7 such as lastname, email or national ID.

Handle dual input from multiple touch screens correctly. We have experience from multiple different hardware setups on both Linux and Windows.

Use our solution to keep your POS up to date with the digital signage you need to keep updated. We help you to update content easily.

Lock down your hardware in-store so users can use the hardware for anything unwanted. We can help with Windows, Android and iPad projects.

We adapt your forms for touch screens. For example keyboards are adapted to each field, we populate known data and trigger help buttons to speed things up.

Offer digital receipts as an option for customers. Members and non members can opt-in to the service on screen. Simply collect more emails.

Allow customers to redeem digital vouchers on screen. Personalised offers or generic discounts, use the paperless option and see higher redemption rates.

We tie in with public and third party databases we can speed up the interaction by auto-filling customer information with high quality data.

Update missing emails to members, validate emails in real time or promote app downloads. We deploy modules and these come at an additional cost to your total solution.

Create e-commerce profiles in the store, show available stock in-store, monitor the uptime. Here you can read about additional modules that might interest your e-commerce team.

Read which features and customers help to improve their business utilizing second displays. We have experience from deploying our solution in different sectors.

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