Swedish second display solution
Any vertical

API first

Born 2009

The meaning of the name ID24
Returning customers choose any ID they carry 24 / 7 for identification




Watch our 1 min videos of our Swedish second display solution
See our European video from Sweden that shows the ID24 Dual Display which is not integrated to POS. A great solution to pilot ID24 in any environment quickly before deciding on a full scale roll out. We only need a LAN connection and a power cable to run this Swedish second display solution.
The conveyor belt is our most challenging environment due to the limited amount of waiting seconds at POS. Our Swedish cloud solution is tailored to not increase waiting time at POS.
Any retail vertical works with our Swedish second display solution
We adapt our Swedish cloud solution to any form that needs to be filled out digitally, any retail environment and any IT infrastructure. We facilitate projects over LAN or wifi. We can use any consumer tablet and offer customised mounting solutions too.
Linkedin will have some updates on projects from time to time

Highly valuable member of the team with his long and extensive knowledge in technical product development. Johan is a keen runner with marathon ambitions on the agenda makes him a great add on to our loyalty enrollment specialists team vision to improve retail with second displays.

Cathrine is our much appreciated person when it comes to closing the books and making sure the accounts match as we expect. Making sure the auditors will be pleased each year is not an easy task but one that Cathrine embraces and delivers upon each year.

New support ticket luring ahead? Please meet Gian– he knows how our solution ticks – and what is needed to close your ticket. He is from the northern part of Italy and he will be able to share more about the Mediterranean culture, food and nice places to visit.
Board of directors