Check your uptimes and we also offer ipad monitoring
We have specialised in large retail enterprise solutions where analytics and monitoring is an important part of the solution. We try to automatise every detail to make technology as seamless as possible. When it comes to consumer devices in-store and especially Android and iOS tablets – it becomes even more important to have Android and iPad monitoring. even with iPad monitoring in place we can see lower uptime then a robust industrial application. The industrial application is expected to have a longer life time.
Having Android and iPad monitoring in place will allow you to work more pro-actively. Out monitoring tool provides you with a transparent overview of your devices, when they woke up or which ones are offline. Don’t just plug in consumer tablets and cross your fingers they will be turned on, because from our experience they simply will not be most of the time. Android and iPad monitoring is particularly important for customer facing devices as the staff do not see the interface.